LAND INC. - TerraProject (English edition)

“Land Inc.” is a book that traces a photographic journey across Brazil, Dubai, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Madagascar, the Philippines and Ukraine to document land grabbing and the growing investments in industrial farming.
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The book is published by Editions Intervalles in English and French editions, and the written contributions by journalist Cécile Cazenave, who interviewed seven experts to help understand the story behind this phenomenon.

Curated and designed by Mónica Santos, includes infographics by Studioburo and a preface by José Bové; cooperative PictureTank and Philippe Deblauwe had an active role in supporting and coordinating the production of the book.

Photographs: TerraProject
Texts and editorial direction: Cécile Cazenave
Artistic direction and graphic design: Mónica Santos
Preface: José Bové
Infographics: Studioburo

Edition Intervalles, 2016

17x24cm (6,7x9,4 in)
158 pages
68 images
Printed at Anel Gráfica (Grenade, Spain) on Cyclus Print 100% recycled paper